Bánffy Manor House, Nușeni
  • Informații de contact

    Persoană de contact: Zsombor Galánthay
    Adresă: Nușeni, Main Street (str. Principală) nr. 37, Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania
  • Istoria scurtă a castelului

    The building is not listed on the country's list of monuments, the history of its construction is not known, although it is mentioned briefly in József Bíró's monography entitled "Transylvanian castles" (Budapest, 1943). The construction of the manor can be associated with the activities of Baron Dezső Bánffy (1843-1911), who settled in the village in 1865 and was the head of Solnoc-Dăbâca county between the years of 1876-1890. Since its nationalization, the manor hosted the Town Hall. In the year of 2014, the building was returned to its rightful owner, but the actual handover of the property hasn't happened yet. Currently, the manor still houses the Town Hall and the local Post Office.  
  • Accesibilitate

    Nușeni is located at the north-eastern side of the Transylvanian Plain, at 10 km (south) from Beclean, on the county road 172A. The manor is located in the center of the village.
  • Cum ajung aici?
  • Puncte de interes

    The village is famous for its Protestant Church, which was built in the 15th century, in the garden of which, visitors can see the statue of Bolyai János. The ancestors of Bolyai Farkas's grandfather, on the mother's side, lived in Nușeni. Furthermore, the Jewish Cemetery is also a place worth visiting. Besides those mentioned, worth visiting is also the city of Beclean, that holds two Bethlen Castles. Beclean is located at a distance of just 10 km from Nușeni.
  • Mai multe informații