Lészai-Gál Manor House, Gârbău
  • Informații de contact

    Persoană de contact: Ferencz Lészai
    Adresă: GÂRBĂU nr. 178., Cluj County, Romania
  • Program

    At the moment, the manor is not open for visitors.
  • Istoria scurtă a castelului

    The manor of Gârbău has a distinctive upper floor layout: a central large hall with an inner height of 3.7 m, with two living rooms on both sides: male and female bedroom, library, living room, green room, bathroom, WC unit. From the dining room there was a door leading to the veranda overlooking the garden. The ceiling of the rooms contained different stucco decorations. The roof structure was covered with shingles. According to Dr. Attila Déry, despite the ruinous condition of the building, the perfect baroque proportions of the manor provide a nice harmony to the building. Before its nationalization in 1949, the manor was used as the owner family's residence. This was the place from where the economy of the whole village was directed and where the breeding animals, which received the gold medal in 1900 at the World Exposition in Paris, lived and this was the place where the gold medal sheep milk cheese etc. was made. After the manor was regained by its current owner, it is surrounded by a 2-hectare garden, but its condition has suffered severe damage over the years.
  • Accesibilitate

    The manor is located in the Land of „Ţara Călatei”, on the banks of the River Nadăș. The locality of Gârbău lies at 28 km from Cluj-Napoca, between Viștea and Turea, on the route between Cluj-Napoca - Oradea, and at 18 km from Gilău, on the route Cluj-Napoca - Zalău, at 9 km from Nădășelu. The locality has its own railway station, which connects Oradea to Cluj-Napoca, being situated at 24 km from the latter. Thus, the locality can easily be reached by train too.
  • Cum ajung aici?
  • Servicii

    During the last years, the garden behind the manor has hosted various events during the village days, as well as the opening ceremony of the neighboring school. Folk dance performances, outdoor events, wine competitions, fairs and art and crafts exhibitions, scout meetings, outdoor concerts, etc. can be organized here. Nearby localities, such as Viştea, Rădaia, Stana, Nădăşelu and Gilau, have several guest houses, where visitors can request accommodation and meals.
  • Puncte de interes

    The entire region of the „Ţara Călatei” (the Land of Calata) offers numerous tourist attractions, including: Viştea - with the specific folk costume, worn also today, Kalotavár – with its historical centre, Turea - loved by Kós Károly and Nădăşelu with the Lészai-Kabos Manor, all offering a unique experience for tourists. Above the village of Gârbău lies the Gorbófő region, where tools from the Bronze Age were found and even Roman stones were discovered. The ruins of Baba can also be seen here. The city of Cluj-Napoca, as well as the Rákóczi-Bánffy Castle of Gilău, are located  within a 30 km radius.
  • Mai multe informații